Do you want to start university or are you current studying and want to gain practical experience, or put what you have learned into practice? With pleasure!
As a working factory student, you can carry out your practical work in a production area. As an undergraduate, you can write your bachelor’s or master’s thesis on relevant production issues. Such internships provide valuable preparation for study or, as by the practical experience part of the study, insights into daily production life.
Where you will be working, among other things, depends on your chosen subject. In any case, you will work practically and “on site” in work groups and teams. You will always be supported by the relevant contact persons from the department – experience the practice first hand.
We will be happy to check if we can support you in your subject and area of expertise. To do this, please send a short introduction and a description of your task to.
REMA Lipprandt GmbH & Co. KG
Marc Hochgürtel
Tel.: +49 (0) 22 26 / 83 08 – 161
Fax: +49 (0) 22 26 / 83 08 – 900
We look forward to receiving your application!